Legal notice

The website is accessible via the following URL: is published by :

Avant-Garde Foundation, an endowment fund, with its registered office located at 13, rue de la Bûcherie – 75005 Paris, registered under the SIREN number: 924 094 717 and SIRET number: 924 094 717 00015, (hereinafter "AVANT-GARDE FOUNDATION").

The person responsible for writing and publication: Mr. Yannick Biyong

Telephone: [-]

Contact email:

The website is hosted on servers located in France.

Host: OVH – OVH Cloud Graveline, Route de la Ferme Masson – ZI les Huttes – 59820 GRAVELINE, telephone: 0972 10 10 07 – website:

Website design and development: Agence Bouskul

Intellectual property

The AVANT-GARDE FOUNDATION trademark displayed on this site is a registered trademark.

The display of the trademark on this site does not in any way confer a license or any right to use this trademark. It cannot be used without the prior written consent of the trademark owner, under penalty of infringement. No rights other than the right to visit this site are granted to anyone. In particular, the online publication of this site does not imply a license to use the aforementioned trademarks.

Under the Intellectual Property Code, the general structure as well as all the elements of this website (layout, texts, photographs, illustrations, logos, icons, programs, downloadable files, video or sound clips, etc.) are the exclusive property of AVANT-GARDE FOUNDATION. These elements are protected by French laws and international treaties related to copyright and copyright laws. The reproduction and/or representation of these elements is only authorized for information purposes for strictly personal and private use, excluding any public viewing or distribution. The presentation of a page from this site within a web page not belonging to this site (framing) is specifically prohibited.

Similarly, the practice of calling one of the elements of this site within a web page not belonging to the site (in-line linking) is strictly prohibited. The establishment of hyperlinks to any page other than the homepage of this site requires the prior consent of AVANT-GARDE FOUNDATION. This consent can be obtained by sending an email request to the site webmaster at the following email address:

The use of the content of this site in violation of the terms of this license may constitute infringement, punishable under articles L335-2 and L716-9 of the Intellectual Property Code, by three years of imprisonment and a fine of 300,000 euros.

For optimal viewing of this site, we recommend using the browsers Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Some contents of this site are available for download in Adobe Acrobat format (files with the extension .pdf).

Privacy Policy and Personal Data Management

AVANT-GARDE FOUNDATION places great importance on protecting your personal data. This privacy policy informs users and visitors of the Site about how we use cookies on our website.

Use of Cookies

Our Site integrates internal and third-party cookies to enhance its navigation and content. They also provide us with information on how the site is used to ensure its update, relevance, and the absence of bugs. The majority of cookies used on our site are essential for its operation. These cookies can improve performance and provide additional functionalities.

Types of Cookies Used:
- Essential Cookies: Necessary for the proper functioning of the site.
- Analytical Cookies: Used to collect visit data and analyze site usage.

You can manage your cookie preferences through your browser settings.

Other cookies allow better targeting to enhance your user experience. For example, they collect your browsing habits to better target the content offered.

Advertising cookies collect information about you to display ads tailored to your interests on the brand’s site and third-party sites. In some cases, accepting these cookies involves sending your personal data (your name, first name, postal address, phone number, and email address) hashed in SHA256 to maintain confidentiality. If you disable these cookies, you may see less relevant ads.

For more information on how your personal data is processed, please consult our privacy policy and our cookie usage policy.

You have several options for managing cookies. At any time, you can express and modify your cookie preferences via the "Help" section of your browser's toolbar. This section will inform you on how to refuse new cookies, receive a notification of their receipt, or disable them.

You can also manually delete cookies.

You can consult the CNIL's advice on blocking third-party cookies by following this link :

Additionally, you can modify your preferences at any time by visiting the "Cookie Settings" at the bottom of our Site.

User rights

Under data protection regulations, you have the following rights:
- Right of Access: Obtain confirmation that your data is being processed and access your data.
- Right of Rectification: Correct inaccurate or incomplete data.
- Right to Erasure: Request the deletion of your personal data.
- Right to Restriction of Processing: Restrict the processing of your data in certain circumstances.
- Right to Data Portability: Receive your data in a structured, commonly used format.
- Right to Object: Object to the processing of your data for legitimate reasons.

To exercise your rights regarding the collected data, please contact us via email at the following address: or by mail at the following address: Avant-Garde Foundation, endowment fund – 13 rue de la Bûcherie - 75005 Paris.

Data Security

AVANT-GARDE FOUNDATION implements technical and organizational measures to protect your data against unauthorized access, loss, destruction, or alteration.


For any questions regarding this privacy policy, please contact us at the following address:

Privacy Policy Changes

AVANT-GARDE FOUNDATION reserves the right to modify this privacy policy. Any changes will be published on this page and, if necessary, will be notified to you by email.


For any complaints, you can contact us by phone at +33 (0) [-], by email at, or by mail at the following address: Avant-Garde Foundation, endowment fund – 13 rue de la Bûcherie - 75005 Paris.

If you disagree with our privacy policy and personal data management, you can contact the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) at the following address: 3 place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715 - 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07.

CNIL website:

We also inform you of the existence of the telephone solicitation opposition list "Bloctel," on which you can register, accessible via the following URL: